Does home laser hair removal hurt?

hair removal

Before going through laser hair removal procedure, we get a variety of questions. One of the most common questions that we get is whether it can hurt or not. We never want to go through any pain with laser hair removal. Hence, it is better to have a clear understanding about the level of pain that you will have to go through with the hair removal process. Then you can figure out how the experience would be.

The feeling you have to get with laser hair removal would differ from one part of the body to another. That’s why we thought of breaking it down to multiple sections. You can go through this article and figure out how laser hair removal would make you feel when you are getting rid of unwanted hair in different parts of the body. Along with that, you will be able to keep realistic expectations in your mind and proceed with the treatment sessions as well.

Laser hair removal on face

You will have to experience minimum pain when you are going through laser hair removal procedure to get rid of unwanted hair on the face. In a scale of 10, the pain level that you have to go through would be 1 or at most 2. However, it is also important to keep in mind that the thickness of skin varies throughout the face. The most painful area would be the upper lip region. That’s because hair in your upper lip region is extremely thin when compared to other parts of the body.

The level of pain that you have to go through would feel like a rubber band snap. However, it is very quick and snappy. The level of pain that you have to go through when removing hair in your face with laser hair removal is quite manageable. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about it.

Laser hair removal in underarms

Underarms can be considered as the most painful area of your body to go through laser hair removal. In fact, you will feel like you are being pinched with a deep needle. However, laser hair removal can deliver perfect results to you when you are getting rid of unwanted hair in the underarms region. The level of pain that you have to go through would deliver long lasting results. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry about it too much. In order to help you manage the pain, your practitioner will apply numbing cream before the laser hair removal procedure. This can help you with controlling the level of pain.

Laser hair removal in bikini line

If you have ever gone through a bikini line waxing, you will not have to go through a lot of pain with laser hair removal. That’s because the level of pain associated with removing hair in the bikini line with laser hair removal is lesser when compared to waxing. On the other hand, laser hair removal process will deliver quick results to you. Therefore, you will not be forced to go through a lengthy procedure as in waxing. You will fall in love with this procedure as well. Even with laser hair removal in bikini line, you will see how a numbing cream is being applied.

Laser hair removal in arms

The level of pain you have to go through to remove unwanted hair in your arms with laser hair removal is quite similar to what you can experience when removing hair in your face. You will feel like a rubber band is snapping against the skin. However, the skin that you have in your arms are in a better position to withstand pain when compared to the skin. That’s because the skin is thicker, especially in your forearms. Therefore, you will not have to go through any pain at all while you are removing hair in the forearms. The pain is mild and most of the people say that they didn’t have to go through any discomfort at all. Therefore, you don’t need to seek the assistance of a numbing cream.

Laser hair removal in legs

Most of the people prefer to go through laser hair removal procedure to get rid of unwanted hair in the legs. However, the process is not painless. You will have to feel a moderate level of pain when you are removing unwanted hair in your legs through the laser hair removal method. Due to the same reason, you can often see how numbing cream is being applied on the legs to help people with managing pain in an effective manner. Therefore, you don’t need to worry too much before you go ahead with the treatment sessions.

Laser hair removal in stomach

Last but not least, you need to take a look at how laser hair removal on your stomach would feel. The level of pain that you have to go through is moderate. It is true that the skin you have in your stomach is thick. However, the laser beams are in a position to tickle the skin on your stomach. That’s why you will have to go through a moderate level of pain in the stomach during the procedure. If you are a person who isn’t focused too much on the tickles, you don’t need to worry about this pain. That’s because the level of pain or discomfort will not last for a longer period of time.

Final Words

Now you have a clear overall understanding about the level of pain that you have to go through with laser hair removal. Keep these in your mind and prepare yourself accordingly to go forward with laser hair removal. Then you will be able to receive all the positive results that are offered to you by laser hair removal at the end of the day.


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