Should I Be Worried About My Constipation?


Almost everyone deals with constipation once in a while. Constipation happens when you have less than three bowel movements in a week and when the stool becomes difficult to pass. Constipation can occur due to various reasons, such as taking medications, health conditions, change in diets, gastrointestinal disorders, intake of insufficient fiber, etc.

Although most cases of constipation are not to be concerned about, some cases can lead to health complications and may require internal medicine in Lima, OH. Severe constipation can lead to extreme pain and harsh colon conditions if left untreated for a long while. It is essential to understand the warning signs to avoid being too late in getting help.

Signs that your constipation needs medical assistance

You have severe abdominal pain.

All cases of constipation involve some kind of pain. However, when the pain does not go away on its own after a few days or becomes extremely painful and uncomfortable, it is time for you to see a doctor. Severe abdominal pain should be your first sign.

You keep vomiting.

When your constipation becomes too severe, part of the stool hardens and becomes stuck in your colon, and cannot be pushed out. When this happens, the digestive tract gets blocked. This severe constipation results in fecal infection, which causes vomiting. It is a highly threatening situation and requires emergency medical help.

You see blood in your stool.

When you manage to pass stool during constipation and see blood in it or blood on your toilet paper after you wipe, it may be a sign of colorectal cancer. While blood in the stool can have various reasons and does not necessarily mean cancer, it is still better to check in with a doctor to avoid problems and get treatment before it’s too late.

Your stomach is bloating.

Bloating causes your stomach to feel full and tight due to the presence of gas. Constipation can cause bloating as when your stool stays for a longer time in your colon, the bacteria in there keeps fermenting it and releases more gas.

You have not had a bowel movement in a week.

Having less than three bowel movements in a week is where your concern should start. However, if you have not passed stool even once all week, it is time to get a professional involved. Going too long without passing stool can lead to fecal infections, bloating, and abdominal pain.

Vomiting stool or bile.

Vomiting stool refers to vomit that smells like stool and may appear dark brown or brown-purple. Bile vomit may appear greenish-yellow. Vomiting stool or bile is a severe condition that occurs due to excess air pressure in your stomach. It requires immediate medical attention where the doctor removes the excess air from your stomach to reduce discomfort.


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