Everything to know about compression fractures

compression fractures

Compression fractures are spinal fractures caused by osteoporosis. The spine is the central support for your trunk, neck, and head; therefore, it plays a crucial role in maintaining body architecture, conveying neural impulses, and anchoring key musculature. Imagine not being able to bend to do simple house chores because of breakages of spinal vertebrae? Center for the Functional Restoration of the Spine offers minimally invasive treatment for compression fracture in Shrewsbury, allowing you to get back to your daily activities without fear of debilitating pain.


Osteoporosis is the common cause of spinal compression fractures. However, old age, smoking, early menopause, and cancer cause your bones to become brittle, causing the vertebrae not to support your spine enough in everyday activities.


The signs of compression fractures are as follows;

Beck pain that begins with coughing, sneezing, position change, and lifting

A bulge in the vertebrae area

Lingering back pain that radiates to the legs

Trouble bending and twisting your body

Loss of height

Hip pain and breathing problems


Your physician conducts a physical examination to determine if you are experiencing symptoms such as back pain while lifting your grocery bag, corner of the mattress while making a bed, lifting a suitcase from the trunk of your car, and bending to pick something on the floor.

Then your doctor will conduct a bone density test, MRI, CT scan, and X-ray to determine if your bones are weaker than usual.


The specialized team of experts at Center for the Functional Restoration of the Spine may recommend one of the following treatment options depending on the symptoms of compression fracture you may be experiencing;

Nonsurgical treatment

These treatment options treat mild compression fractures that do not heal fast as you perform your daily activities. They include;

Bedrest: The experts may recommend a few months of non-intervention treatment to allow compression fracture symptoms to resolve independently.

Pain management: Muscle relaxants, antidepressants, acetaminophen, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help to relieve pain while getting vitamin D, calcium supplements, quitting smoking and strength-building exercises help to prevent compression fractures

Back braces: These are support devices that help your fracture to heal on its own

Minimally invasive procedure

The following surgical procedures treat chronic compression fractures;

Vertebroplasty: Insertion of X-ray-guided needle into the spine to inject acrylic bone cement compound that hardens in a few minutes allowing the damaged vertebra to be stabilized and returning home the same day or the next day.

Kyphoplasty: Uses tiny balloons inserted into the bone cement compound to correct bone deformation resulting from spinal compression fractures.

Spinal fusion: Insertion of plates and rods to keep parts of the spine rigid, limiting pain and compression. These help to eliminate motion between two vertebrae relieving pain, and it is often the last resort.

During surgical treatments, antibiotics help to minimize infections and promote faster healing, allowing you to return to your daily activities.

Consult your compression fracture specialist today

Compression fractures may start gradually, get worse over time, or come suddenly and sharp, preventing you from performing simple tasks such as bending to pick car keys. Conduct a specialized team at the Center for the Functional Restoration of the Spine in New Jersey, get rid of the excruciating pain, and be able to perform your daily chores without fear of experiencing chronic pain.


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