Second Wave of Coronavirus Feared, Decision to Lock Down in Major Cities in Tunisia


The North African country of Tunisia has decided to lock down major cities for two weeks due to fears of a second wave of the corona.

A partial lockdown will be imposed today (Thursday) in Ariana, Ben Arus, and Manouba, including Tunisia. There will be a complete curfew during the lockdown from 8 pm to 5am.

According to Arab media, Friday gatherings will be suspended in all mosques in the capital of Tunisia and major cities. Only home delivery or takeaway will be allowed in restaurants, cafes, and eateries.

According to the Tunisian governor, the partial lockdown and tightening of security measures are due to the second wave of Corona.

One to two thousand people a day are infected with the coronavirus, he said. The economic situation cannot afford a complete lockdown.

It should be noted that 364 people have died from Corona in Tunisia so far.


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