Colon Cancer: Understanding the Symptoms and Causes


Cancer is developed when cells grow and divide at a rapid pace uncontrollably. Cancer that grows and affects the colon( bowel or large intestine) is called colon cancer. The colon is located in the lower end of the digestive tract of the human body. Colon cancer is known to be the third most common cancer in the United States. Cancer may be benign or malignant depending upon the stage it is detected and diagnosed. Colon cancer starts as a small polyp growing in the colon lining.

Symptoms of colon cancer:

  • A person with colon cancer may experience constant changes in bowel movement and bowel consistency.
  • The patient may also experience diarrhea and constipation.
  • Colon cancer causes rectal bleeding or blood mixed in the stool.
  • The stool may be narrow and loose.
  • The affected person may experience abdominal pain or cramps, discomfort, and gas.
  • It also causes unintentional weight loss.
  • The patient will be in a tired and weakened state.
  • A constant urge to empty your stomach.
  • Diseases like iron deficiency anemia.

You may need to contact your doctor if the symptoms remain persistent. Flemington colon cancer specialists help you identify colon cancer before it becomes malignant by providing you with diagnosis, treatments, and therapies, including targeted treatment and immunotherapy.

Causes of colon cancer:

  1. Age – It is seen that most of the people above the age of 50 get diagnosed with colon cancer.
  1. Growth of polyps – Precancerous polyps can grow into adenomas or hyperplastic polyps and become malignant if not extracted by the doctor.
  1. Family history and genetics – accelerated and uncontrolled growth of cells occurs due to changes or mutations in the DNA of the genes. These genes sometimes get passed down the generations in the family. This passing down may cause an increased risk of colon cancer to inherited generations. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and Lynch syndrome, also known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), are the most common inherited syndromes or conditions that increase the chances of colon cancer.
  1. Obesity and sedentary –lifestyle consisting of low-fiber diet- obese people who consume fat and calorie-rich diet are more prone to developing colon cancer. Increased consumption of red meat and processed foods has also been shown as the responsible factor for colon cancer.
  1. Alcohol and smoking – Higher consumption of alcohol and tobacco daily also increases the risk of colon cancer.
  1. Underlying diseases and conditions – Diabetics and undergoing radiation therapy earlier, especially directly to the abdomen, are linked to increased colon cancer.

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